Preparation for Agora Zaragoza Part 1

The Agora in Zaragoza is getting closer and The AEGEEan is preparing you for the big event! Here you get some inside into what information AEGEE’s online magazine brings you

What is a motion?

For those who want to learn a little bit more about the Agora, how it works, what do we vote, what we do there then read this article where you can read the explanation of “motions”


The AEGEEan is also interviewing all the candidates that are presenting themselves for different European Level bodies. The first interview is already public and it is with Mediation Commission candidate Maurits Korse from AEGEE-Enschede


During Agora Zaragoza there will be different workshops and one of them is by Fabian Brüggemann who has done the same popular workshop many times called “Improve yourself” and The AEGEEan gives you the insight to what it is about

Fundraising for the Agora

FR can be a challenge in all type of events and especially for a big statutory event like the Agora. The organisers of Agora Zaragoza have managed to get many great sponsors and explains how in this article:

Food of the Agora

A different type of article is this one “Jamón its Zaragoza” where The AEGEEan interviews main organiser Chema Rueda about the special type of food there will be in the big event:


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